Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing Treatment Mohali, Zirakpur, New Chandigarh, PKLWhat is brick bat coba waterproofing?

Brick bat coba waterproofing is an effective waterproofing method applied over the roofs to affectively waterproof the roofs, terraces and basements where chances of water leaving its marks on the inside surface are high.

 How to effectively do brick bat coba waterproofing?

This process of waterproofing is completely removing brick bats on the roof up to the RCC structure which is laid over the roof. Area is thoroughly cleaned of any loose dust particles. All the debris is wiped off the roof. Sometimes even air blower is used to blow away dust and dirt. Proper slope is given over the roof to help water effectively run over the roof. Cement water is spread over the area. Waterproofing compound is mixed in water and water and spread over. In new

Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing Treatment Mohali, Zirakpur, New Chandigarh, PKL

 roofs, cement mixed with waterproofing compound and water is thrown over RCC, proper slope is made for water to run over and Brick bats are laid over.

If need arises, sometimes grouting can also be done to plug all water leakage points.

 Why BH waterproofing experts is cost effective?

BH waterproofing experts is a cost effective company as we make detailed study of water seepage problems. Then we make feasibility study of the work to be done, prepare a blueprint  and then carry out the works. After making property owners fully satisfied with the quality of works, our job is done. This makes us a cost effective waterproofing company.

 Why BH waterproofing solutions is the best in brick bat waterproofing?

BH waterproofing experts is the best waterproofing company in Punchkula. We have expert waterproofers that can effectively handle all water leakage problems. Highly experience staff can independently handle all works. All teams of waterproofers are headed by a qualified team manager whose job is to maintain the quality of the work.